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 2024 E-BOOK fundraiser

Taste the worlD

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Last fall, SNA students came together to create Taste the Worlda 100+ page educational resource featuring foodways and recipes from around the globe. Our goal was to highlight the rich history, unique ingredients, traditional cooking techniques, and nutritional guidelines that shape each region's culinary landscape!


The Student Nutrition Association’s ebook team has spent countless hours researching, authoring, editing, and designing the wide range of topics covered in this publication. 


Your support helps us keep up with all of the engaging opportunities SNA provides: promoting the field of nutrition and dietetics, fundraising for the greater Chicago community, creating volunteering events, registered dietitian panels, networking socials, academic support, and more.


Please feel free to share this page with all your friends and family! 


For more information, please contact 2024 e-book editor-in-chief

Sharon Nguyen ( 

$790 fundraised since we launched



Interested in a professionally printed magazine-style hard copy? 

Please contact e-book editor-in-chief

Sharon Nguyen (

Limited copies available!


*hard copies are $20 and must be picked up on campus. Shipping not available

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